Engineering Program Physics and Engineering Club

Our club is open to any 正规赌博十大网站 student who is interested.  The following are some of our activities.

  • Tours of local engineering and science facilities – guided by engineers and scientists who work in those areas and answer our questions.  Past tours include:
    • IBM Rochester – Blue Gene supercomputer, Xbox/Wii/PS design, etc.
    • Mayo Clinic – Biomedical Imaging Resource Center
      • 3D bone printer, haptic sensing technology, etc.
    • Yaggy Colby – Civil Engineering firm
  • Regular club meetings every 3 weeks or so, more often when events draw near
    • We meet in ST218, our study room, where we have some food and plan what we’ll do next
  • Physics demonstrations and shows
    • STEM summit each November; 2000 middle school and high school students come to the 正规赌博十大网站 Sports Center and local technology businesses have booths set up to showcase cool technologies.  We have a booth with interactive physics demos that our club members show.  Fun!
    • Large public demo shows in February (most years)
      • Put on by our club
      • Several hundred people attend the shows
      • Lots of fun; we build new demos every year
  • Spring science trips
    • 4 or 5 day trips in early April (we miss 2 days of class)
    • We go and see cutting edge science and technology
    • Most expenses are paid by the club
    • Past trips:
      • 2013 – Boulder, Colorado
        • Many national laboratories, atomic clocks, aerospace  (link)
      • 2012 – Washington, DC
        • National laboratories, NASA, museums
      • 2011 – Boulder, Colorado
        • Similar to 2013 trip
      • 2009 – San Francisco, California
        • NASA, Intel Museum, etc.
  • Retired Engineer’s group
    • A group of retired engineers comes to 正规赌博十大网站 each Wednesday morning from 9-11 am or so.  They help us with projects, building demos, and they are a great resource for students.